Definition of Bog down

1. Verb. Get stuck while doing something. "She bogged down many times while she wrote her dissertation"

Exact synonyms: Bog
Generic synonyms: Break, Break Off, Discontinue, Stop

2. Verb. Cause to get stuck as if in a mire. "The mud mired our cart"
Exact synonyms: Mire
Causes: Get Stuck, Grind To A Halt, Mire
Related verbs: Get Stuck, Grind To A Halt, Mire
Derivative terms: Mire

3. Verb. Be unable to move further. "The car bogged down in the sand"
Exact synonyms: Get Stuck, Grind To A Halt, Mire
Generic synonyms: Stand Still
Related verbs: Mire
Derivative terms: Mire

4. Verb. Cause to slow down or get stuck. "The vote would bog down the house"
Exact synonyms: Bog
Generic synonyms: Slow, Slow Down, Slow Up

Definition of Bog down

1. Verb. (intransitive) To become stuck (as if in a bog) and unable to progress. ¹

2. Verb. (transitive) To cause to become stuck and unable to progress. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Bog Down

bog asphodel
bog aster
bog bilberries
bog bilberry
bog brush
bog candles
bog down
bog hemp
bog in
bog iron
bog iron ore
bog kalmia
bog laurel
bog moss
bog myrtle
bog off
bog orchid
bog pimpernel
bog plant
bog rein orchid
bog rhubarb

Literary usage of Bog down

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. An Essay on Electricity: Explaining the Principles of that Useful Science by George Adams (1799)
"Take a piece of bog- down,* suspend it by silk; then take a pane of * Mr. Ee/es used bog-down, which, ..."

2. The Bailey Controversy in Texas: With Lessons from the Political Life-story by William Alexander Cocke (1908)
"A. He is a cranberry merchant; that is, he has got a cranberry bog down on the ... merchant and his cranberry bog down on the coast of Massachusetts," but ..."

3. Digest of Evidence Taken Before Her Majesty's Commissioners of Inquiry Into by John Pitt Kennedy, Earl of William Courtenay Devon, William Courtenay Devon (1847)
"I tuni the subsoil completely up, and lay the bog down ; it is very expensive, but it will pay me, 28. Have you reclaimed those seventy acres ?—Yes. 30. ..."

4. Transactions (1849)
"... there was a constant discharge of water, mixed with fine particles of peat, and which flowed in a crooked stream through the bog, down to Lough Bally. ..."

5. Northmost Australia: Three Centuries of Exploration, Discovery, and by Robert Logan Jack (1921)
"We ran the bog down for about a quarter of a mile further to the west, and when it turned to the south of west, crossed it. The bog had a broad sheet of ..."

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